Meet Captain Mail's Education Advisor - Talia Kovacs

We are excited to introduce our Education Advisor Talia Kovacs into The Captain Mail Team!


In creating Captain Mail, we partnered with Talia Kovacs as an Education Advisor to help craft the content of each Captain Mail mailing.


Talia is a children’s literacy expert who has served as a teacher, professor of education, CEO of LitLife and Founder of Talia Kovacs Consulting, where she works directly with families to improve literacy at home. Talia has coached and taught in over 50 school districts across the U.S. and around the world.


Combining her knowledge of brain development, teaching, learning, and literacy instruction, Talia's advice and expertise was instrumental to Captain Mail in determining the best questions to ask, the most creative and family-friendly activities and the way Captain Mail gives children access to global content knowledge.


Captain Mail strives to give children the opportunity to improve on key literacy skills such as content understanding, active learning, and critical thinking. Our goal is to teach families how to make these skills come alive at home and why these skills are so important.


With Talia’s help we have produced the best product that we know will help enrich your child’s education and learning experience.

To learn more about Talia Kovacs you can visit her website: